Recuperação de solo de area de emprestimo com lodo de esgoto




The effect of the sewage sludge mud was evaluated in the recovery of an underground degraded due to the retreat of thick layer of original soil (loan area) more than 30 years ago, for occasion of the construction of the Ilha Solteira Hydroelectric Power Plant. The area is located in the municipal district of Selvíria, MS State, having been used in the construction of the dam, trucks "out-of-road" and heavy machines which promoted high compactation of the remaining underground and consequent decrease of its fertility which is visualized by the poorness of the underbrush vegetation that has been settled, without the capacity to cover the whole land surface. The recovery of this area is much more important because it stays in the Experimental Farm of the Unesp, Ilha Solteira campus, and it must to be incorporated in the Farm productive area. In the recovery process it was used aerobic sewage sludge, obtained in the Araçatuba Sewage Treatment Station close to, having been applied in surface and incorporated to a depth of 0,10 m. The statistical design utilized was the randomized blocks with 4 treatments and 4 repetitions each, totalizing 16 plots with dimensions of 10,0 x 12,0 meters, being defined the following doses of sewer mud: 0, 30, 60 Mg ha-1 in dry basis, besides mineral fertilizer, with doses established since previous soil analysis of the soil and of the culture requisitions. The Eucalyptus citriodora was planted with approximately 0,30 m of depth and sowed Brachiaria decumbens grass, thirty days after the sewuage sludge incorporation. The spacing of the eucalyptus was of 1,5 x 2,0 m, totalizing 40 plants for plot and 640 plants in the hole experiment. The experiment was installed in the beginning of 2002, and the parameters of the soil and of the culture determined to 180 and 360 days after the application of the sludge and plantation of the eucalyptus. In order to determine the soil quality (its recovery) the following physical, chemical and biological parameters were studied: soil: density, porosity, cationic change capacity (CTC), breathing activity and carbon level in the microbial mass. It was also evaluated the development of the eucalyptus culture at 180 and 360 days after the sewage sludge incorporation It can be affirmed that in the period, the handling utilized promoted increment in the soil quality, considering the significant increase of phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, organic matter and CTC levels. The sewage sludge promoted reduction in the value of the density of the soil with increase of the macro porosity and of the total porosity in the superficial stratum. However, the micro porosity wasn?t affected by the treatment with the residue, probably due to the short observation period, should continue to be object of investigations in the experimental area. The sewage sludge increased the microbial activity, confirming to be an appropriate quality indicative of monitoring of the area in recovery, even for a short observation period. However, the biomass microbial carbon levels weren?t affected by the treatment with the residue, what should happen with elapsing of the time, requesting posterior observations. The eucalyptus plants development was other parameter that answered very quickly to the applied handling


solos - degradação quality of soils physical properties of the soil solos - qualidade fisica do solo chemical properties of the soil degraded areas microbial biomass quimica do solo

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