Recovery of chitin and chitosan from shrimp waste with microwave technique and versatile application


Arq. Inst. Biol.




RESUMO: Neste estudo, a quitina e a quitosana foram extraídas de resíduos de Litopenaeus vannamei utilizando métodos químicos e do micro-ondas. Os resíduos de camarão foram limpos, secos e peneirados a 16, 32 e 60 mesh, e as amostras foram despigmentadas, desmineralizadas e desproteinizadas. Posteriormente, a quitina foi submetida a processo de desacetilação por solução de NaOH a 45% sob irradiação de micro-ondas a 600w, durante 15 min intermitentes ou utilizando 6 pulsos de 5 min. O estudo mostrou eficácia nas partículas com tamanho de 32 mesh e 6 pulsos de 5 minutos, com 92% grau de desacetilação e rendimento de quitosana (52,2%). A atividade antimicrobiana foi para Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli e Salmonella enterica contra a levedura Candida sp., respectivamente. Os resultados indicaram a viabilidade da radiação de micro-ondas como um método atraente para recuperação de quitina e quitosana a partir de resíduos de camarão.ABSTRACT: In this study, chitin and chitosan were extracted from Litopenaeus vannamei waste using chemical and microwave methods. Shrimp waste was cleaned, dried and ground sieved to 16, 32 and 60 mesh, and the samples were depigmented, demineralized, and deproteinized. Then, the chitin was submitted to a deacetylation process by 45% NaOH solution under microwave irradiation at 600w, for intermittent 15 min or using 5 pulses of 5 minutes. The study showed that the effectiveness of the particle size of 32 mesh and 6 pulses of 5 min to deacetylation with 92% of degree and chitosan yield (52.2%). The polymer chitosan showed higher antimicrobial activity against to Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica and the yeast Candida sp., respectively. The results indicated the feasibility of the microwave radiation as an attractive method to recover chitin and chitosan from shrimp wastes.

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