ReconstituiÃÃo paleoambiental baseada no estudo de mamÃferos pleistocÃnicos de Maravilha e poÃo das trincheiras, Alagoas, nordeste do Brasil




This work objectives the systematic, taphonomy, geomorphological, sedimentological, geochemical and geochronological study of pleistocene mammals for the proposal of a paleoenvironmental model in the municipal districts of Maravilha and PoÃo das Trincheiras both, situated in Alagoas state, Brazil. Besides, actions were developed to guarantee the preservation of that patrimony. The Ovo da Ema and Quandu farms, situated in Maravilha and PoÃo das Trincheiras, respectively, stand out for the presence of gneissic rocks with small depressions, filled out by neogenic debriflow and fossil remains, known as tanks. Geomorfologically the region is situated in the detritic dissected pediment to 350 meters together to the inselbergs and mountains. After search and excavations stages, three fossiliferous sites were selected, being collected 2600 bones as well as complete and fragmented teeth of the megafauna mammals that were identified and deposited in the MHN-UFAL paleontological collection. The geometry of the tanks accompanies the relief of the depressions, formed by three sedimentary layers with sandy mud granulometric prevalence. Fossils are mainly concentrated in the first or second layer, associations typically monotÃpic-poliespecific forming. There was the preservation of the original biomineralization of the fluorapatite and substitution for herderite. The study identified six taxa of mammals: Toxodon sp. (the calcaneus found suggests a possible new species), Eremotherium laurillardi, Stegomastodon waringi, Palaeolama major (first occurrence registration in Alagoas), Xenorhinotherium bahiense and also a Felidae (first occurrence in Alagoas, Brazil). According to dating by ESR, the megafauna lived between 42.972 (Â 3.689) and 10.816 (Â 1.914) years. The probable paleoenvironment is of savanna arboreal-arbustive tending to the xeromorfism, with the prevalence of C3 plants following by CAM plants. For the protect and divulgation of the fossiliferic patrimony is being implanted a Preservation Unit and also a paleontological museum in Maravilha city, wichbecame the first Brazilian city with a museum dedicated exclusively to megamamals of the pleistocene fauna


maravilha and poÃo das trincheiras â al paleoecology taphonomy paleoecologia geodesia geochronology geocronologia â alagoas (brasil) pleistocene megafauna paleoambiente tafonomia palaeoenvironments megafauna pleistocÃnica

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