Recognition Memory for Complex Visual Discriminations Is Influenced by Stimulus Interference in Rodents With Perirhinal Cortex Damage


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press


Rats with perirhinal cortex (PRC), hippocampal, or sham lesions were trained on a successive discrimination go/no-go task to examine recognition memory for an array of visual objects with varying interference among the objects in the array. Rats were trained to recognize a target array consisting of four particular objects that could be presented in any one of four possible configurations to cover baited food wells. If the four target objects were presented, the rat should displace each object to receive food. However, if a novel object replaced any one or more of the target objects, then the rat should withhold its response. The number of novel objects presented on nonrewarded trials varied from one to four. The fewer the number of novel objects in the array, the more interference the array shared with the target array, therefore increasing task difficulty. An increased number of novel objects should result in less interference with the target array and decreased task difficulty. Although accuracy was slightly lower in rats with hippocampal lesions compared with controls, the learning of the groups was not statistically different. In contrast, rats with PRC lesions were significantly impaired in learning compared with both control and hippocampal-lesioned rats. The results suggest that recognition memory for complex visual discriminations is affected by stimulus interference in rodents with PRC damage.

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