Realization of thorough bass in modinhas from "Jornal de modinhas com acompanhamento de cravo pelos milhores autores" edited by D. F. Milcente and P. A. Marchal - Lisbon, 1792-1797 / Realização de baixos em modinhas do "Jornal de modinhas com acompanhamento de cravo pelos milhores autores", editado por F. D. Milcent e P. A. Marchal - Lisboa, 1792-1797




This project focuses on a set of "modinhas" found in the " Jornal de Modinhas com Acompanhamento de Cravo Pelos Milhores Autores" published by Domingos Milcent and P.A. Marchal, between years 1792 and 1797 in Lisbon. The fact that the harpsichord is mentioned in the title of this publication leads us to think about the use of this instrument in the accompanyment of the "modinhas", which is characterized by a bass-line, with no indications for the right hand, in a process similar to that found in the thorough-bassaccompanyment in Baroque music. Our purpose to this project is the realization of the bassline to a choice of pieces, to facilitate the execution for interpreters not skilled in the art of improvising on a single bass-line. The realization of the basses will be the result of the analysis of the most important caracteristics, based on thorough-bass treatises, especially those published in Portugal in the eighteenth century. The analysis of previously written accompanyments for other "modinhas" found in this collection will also be considered


thorough bass harpsichord modinhas baixo continuo cravo (musica) modinha - portugal musica popular - portugal - periodicos

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