Realidade educacional de Santa Maria da Vitória (2001 2008) e suas perspectivas


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation is the result of a search motivated by the recognition of the importance of the public education policy. The research therefore aims to investigate the impact on public policy of what has been done in formal municipal education in Santa Maria da Vitoria, in western Bahia, during the period 2001 to 2008, pointing out perspectives. It is a case study based in an exploratory and explanatory perspective, with theoretical and empirical basis, in which, through the use of comparative procedures, we sought a quantitative and qualitative analysis of data collected on the literature review, in the documental study and in the field research. From the investigation of the proposed problem, the hypothesis presented previously was proved, that is, the school community understands how important is the school running, but has difficult to participate in the educational process, because in fact their participation is very incipient. By analyzing local data, comparing with other municipalities, observing reviews by various authors on the subject and listening to the community school, the study contributes to a look at the importance of the municipal education and points out future perspectives. It is concluded that the school is a privileged space for the construction of citizenship and, consequently, a development space of people able to command the political, social and economic increase of a territory. At the end of the paper, we present a view of how the municipal well articulated system, through the participatory construction of the municipal education plan, can contribute to the improvement of public education policy


participação educação pública educacao public education participation par par

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