Reabilitação da região da Luz - Centro histórico de São Paulo: projetos urbanos e estratégias de intervenção / Renovation of the Luz area - Historical Center of São Paulo: urban projects and intervention strategies




Few stretches in the city of São Paulo were so frequently the object of projects as the Luz area in the last decades, and this is in itself an indicator of its importance in the metropolitan context. However, despite the specific studies since the 70s, the "deteriorated" patches within the diversified urban fabric that characterizes the territory, seem to be recovering only in recent years, in view of the prominence given to urban renovation projects by the speech for strategic planning in a global scenario prone towards economical competitiveness. In this sense, the projects for the area in the last decade, follow motivations that go way beyond the renovation and preservation of monumental buildings, resulting as much from the evolution of the historical patromony concept as from the importance of reintegrating the area to the citys productive dynamics. The Luz Historical Compound Renovation Project, in the Monumenta Program, now in force, is part of a national program resulting from a loan contract between the Inter-American Development Bank - IDB and the Federal Government. Throughout the investigation it was verified that this fomentation institution doesnt just limit itself to the financing, but it also directs the projects formulation, applying specific intervention methodologies in all Latin-American countries that receive resources for their cities rehabilitation. This becomes evident in Quito and São Paulo, while the first a "model" for the second. The projects bet on punctual, but high-impact, interventions, capable of unleashing a process of real-estate valorization that creates favorable conditions for the participation of private companies, considered indispensable for the asset maintenance after the intervention. Thus, the BID programs strengthen and motivate urban intervention models where public policies are indifferent to the social demands and assume as a priority the support of private interests, a known practice along the history of São Paulos urban space production.


programa monumenta monumenta program urban renovation políticas públicas public policies região da luz (sp) reabilitação urbana valorização imobiliária rear-estate valorization

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