Rapid plasmid DNA isolation from mucoid gram-negative bacteria.


Exopolysaccharides interfere with the isolation and characterization of plasmid DNA from gram-negative bacteria. To repress capsular polysaccharide production, bacteria were cultured in medium containing bismuth nitrate and sodium salicylate. Rapid removal of other contaminating bacterial surface components was achieved by mild acidic zwitterionic detergent extraction. After treatment, bacterial cells were more readily lysed in alkaline detergents. The resulting plasmid preparations contained virtually no capsular polysaccharide and relatively small quantities of lipopolysaccharide and protein, yet they produced yields of nucleic acids similar to those of conventional plasmid preparations. Conventional preparations from encapsulated organisms were largely insoluble and appeared as smears following agarose gel electrophoresis, with indefinite plasmid banding. Plasmids prepared by the new method were highly soluble in conventional buffers and exhibited high-resolution plasmid banding patterns in agarose gels. Plasmids as large as 180 kbp could be isolated and visualized, without apparent nicking, and were readily digested by restriction endonuclease enzymes. The method proved effective with encapsulated or mucoid strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Acinetobacter anitratus, Salmonella typhimurium, and Enterobacter species. The complete method for plasmid isolation was not suitable for Pseudomonas aeruginosa because of the inhibitory effects of bismuth. Thus, removal of contaminating bacterial surface structures enabled the rapid isolation and characterization of plasmids from mucoid clinical isolates, without the use of organic solvents, CsCl gradients, or expensive, disposable columns.

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