Rapazes da roça na cidade grande: trabalho, sociabilidade e projetos / "Youngsters of roça" in the "great city": work, sociability and projects




This dissertation had as bedding the study of the social universe of the young deriving salesmen of pineapple of Marataízes/ES that comes "to work" in the streets of Rio De Janeiro and starts to integrate agricultural and urban experiences through constant displacements between "roça", its local of origin and the "city-great one", where they carry through vendas. At last, this work is considered to think the condition to it of the young salesmen of pineapple as articuladores of a ruralidade that imbrica agricultural and urban without that the original identity is refuted, of youngsters of roça. In contrast, sustenance that occurs a construction of this identity in a process that establishes and supports the possibility of rescues it and potencializa it, when many thinks about a process of suppression or desestruturação to it.


juventude youth ruralidades ruralidades trabalho work família family economia

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