Questão social e criminalização da pobreza: aportes para a compreensão do novo senso comum penal no Brasil / Social issue and the criminalization of poverty: contributions to understanding the new penal common sense in Brazil




Social policy, in actuality, is a kind of management of poverty, with an increasing control not only of poverty itself, but of the poor themselves, by reissuing the old forms of social control. Stands out in this case, the instrumentality of the historical development of certain concepts and myths, as the dangerous classes, supported in large part on the media industry, which has fed the hegemonic thinking, the basis of legitimation of this type of control policy. In this sense, the analysis of the social issue and its not casual relation with the criminalization of poverty helps to understand the construction of the criminal common sense in recent times under the light of the concepts raised historically in order to check the breaks and continuities in the current process legitimacy of policies of social control. Amid all these issues, the Social Worker in the field of penitentiary system, while worker that has relative autonomy, is hampered by many challenges that invite to explore the possibilities that the everyday, taken critically, brings, and so do of their praxis purposeful, used in service of the construction and realization of the Ethical-Political Project of Social Work.


pobreza sistema penitenciário servico social pobreza brasil social policy prisões política governamental brasil brasil política social poverty prison system política social exclusão social brasil

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