Queimadura autoinfligida em mulheres: a violência de gênero inscrita no corpo / Self-inflicted burn on women: gender violence in scribed on the body


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The object of this study is self-inflicted violence in women by burning. Burn injuries are considered external causes (accidents and violence) and have contributed to the overall increase in mortality rates resulting in loss of productive life. They are the result of multiple factors such as socioeconomic status, violence and gender inequality. This study sought to analyze the demographic profile of women who experienced self-inflicted burns; describe the circumstances and social context related to self-inflicted burning in women, analyze the factors which motivated self-inflicted burn in women, and discuss self-inflicted burns in women from a gender perspective. This is both a qualitative and an exploratory study. The research scenarios were two Burns Treatment Centers (Municipal and Federal) located in the State of Rio de Janeiro. The study subjects were 10 women with a history of self-inflicted burns who didnt have a history of previous suicide attempts and diagnosis of psychological distress, since these situations could compromise the analysis of the experiences of violence. Data collection was conducted by means of a semi-structured interview with a predefined script, from November 2009 to March 2010. Data was analyzed with Bardins Content Analysis technique, and two categories have emerged: a) The life of the deponent before the burn: perceptions of her personal condition, family relations involving mother, father, grandparents, siblings and children; social relations and relationship with her partner, b) Self-inflicted burn in women: a matter of gender violence: motivating factors to self-inflicted burns from a woman s perspective and self-inflicted burns as an outcome of the experience domestic violence. The study participants were characterized by having a life, prior to the burn event, marked by violence in the family relationships and especially with their partners. The constant experience of violence in the couple relationship, expressed by different expressions (physical, sexual and psychological) caused intense suffering that culminated in the self-inflicted burns. The study revealed that self-inflicted burns in the group studied was an attempt to stop the gender violence which they experienced. The choice of the fire by women was justified as an element capable of producing greater lethality and being easily accessible in the home. The women say the event of self-inflicted burns caused changes in their lives. In the health risks to the woman, especially in self-inflicted violence by burns, it is important to consider gender issues as an action strategy and expansion of healthcare practices.


violência autoinfligida violência contra a mulher gênero queimaduras enfermagem enfermagem enfermagem - aspectos sociais mulheres - relações com a família burns nursing gender violence against women self-inflicted violence

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