Que palavra que te falta? : o que o surdo e sua lingua(gem) de sinais tem a dizer a linguistica e a educação




Assuming Bakhtin s conception of language, I discuss several instances of classroom interaction among hearing teachers with deaf students. Taking advantage of these episodes as source for my own reflection, I situate the genesis of language, according to Bakhtin (1929/1992), in dialogy and insist on the necessity of teacher and student sharing the same language. I point to the importance of sign language to the deaf and, in so doing, I discuss the reciprocal and dialectic process of (re )construction of language and of subjectivity. I web my arguments entering the flow of already produced enunciations on this theme, written by deaf as well as hearing authors. Reflecting on the images about language formulated by some deafpeople, in a fashion similar to that ofFoucault s (1992), I go back in time searching for the ideological threads left in past theorizations on the nature of language to show how SIGN LANGUAGE was discursively constructed as an object. I defend the idea that the provocation signing creates for Linguistics could be converted in keys to elucidate some of the many remaining "misteries" about the nature of language. I conclude by arguing that linguistic studies of signing, and our own understanding:, of the process of signifying, could be enriched if a Bakhtinian program is applied to studying SIGN LANGUAGE, up to now subsidized only by innatist theoretical thinking


surdos - meios de comunicação linguagem - filosofia linguagem por sinais surdos - educação

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