Quatro visões iluministas sobre a educação matematica : Diderot, D Alembert, Condillac e Condorcet




This thesis is focused on elucidating visions on Mathematical Education of four Eighteenth Century French Enlightenrnent authors, namely, Diderot, d Alembert, Condillac and Condorcet. These philosophers main views on Mathematical Education, as perceived, are here organised in four exc1usively dedicated chapters, each of them selecting and approaching the core themes and arguments of each author. Accordingly, Diderot s main ideas on the topic are aimed at the political meaning of Mathematical Education, whereas to d Alembert, the central aspect to be underlined is the Mathematical Epistemology. As for Condillac, the priority is given to the evolving cognitive frameworks. Finally, it is believed that Condorcet s ultimate emphasis is on public education. The thesis initial and final chapters characterise the Mathematical Education contexts in France, respectively, in the Eighteenth Century before the French Revolution and in the Post-Enlightenrnent phase, from Condorcet s death to the French Restoration


matematica - estudo e ensino - historia

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