Quantity perception and water quality in the communities on the margins of Sorocaba and Pirajibu rivers / Percepção da quantidade e qualidade da agua nas comunidades alojadas as margens dos rios Sorocaba e Pirajibu




The increase of the urban demand for ground is responsible for the sprouting of territorial invasions, slum quarters and made use human conglomerates of disordered and dense form, mainly in risk and preservation areas. The deepen of the bodies of water and its bad quality directly reflect in next living communities it, causing floods, transmission of illnesses of hydro propagation, bad smell, among others. The quality of the water of the rivers on the hydrographic basin of the Sorocaba River comes suffering great damage, therefore it has important influence in the local supplying and receives great amount of in natura sewer. Therefore, becomes necessary to diagnosis and to analyze the perception of the next living communities, regarding the amount and quality of the water, to identify and to characterize such accumulations, assisting the correct management of the hydro resources. This study has for objective to analyze the perception of the amount and quality of the water and its consequences for the communities on the edges of the Sorocaba and Pirajibu rivers, in the city of Sorocaba/SP. The communities identified by the Prefeitura Municipal de Sorocaba, had been: on the edges of the Pirajibu river, slum quarter Monteiro and, on the edges of Sorocaba river, community of the quarter Parque São Bento II and slum quarter Jumenta. To characterize the communities, a study was made through the field, direct comments, photographic registers and interviews with direct questions, randomly, to the inhabitants of the three studied communities, totalizing 77 qualitative interviews. The second study, of qualitative nature, developed with exploratory character, used interviews in depth of personal and individual form, with open questions, the 16 inhabitants randomly chosen. The communities are formed, in great parcel, of illiterate bosses, sub-employed and unemployed people, with low per capita income. They had extremely demonstrated to be devoid and excluded individuals of the society, pertaining, mainly, to Classrooms "D" and "E" in the Criterion of Economic Classification Brazil, or either, without necessary minimum conditions of worthy life. The perception of these communities in relation to the quality of the water in the rivers was evidenced, therefore they classify it as regulate to terrible, what it is corroborated by the help of CETESB. It was told that these inhabitants give, among others, connotation of importance, life and cleanness to the word water, however, denotes the word differently river, as something bad and polluted, demonstrating that such words are disentailed for them. It was contacted, still, that they do not possess conscience of the environment where they live, as well as of its duties, since in these places and on the edges of the rivers they are poured garbage and rubbishes, of the proper inhabitants, and that they blames the governing for the current condition of the river


pirajibu river impacto ambiental bacias hidrograficas proteção ambiental sorocaba river agua - qualidade recursos hidricos - aspectos ambientais water perception

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