Quantitative study of taste buds in fungiform and circumvallate papillae of young and aged rats.


To ascertain whether an age-related decrease in number of taste buds occurs in the tongue of aged rats, taste buds were counted in fungiform and circumvallate papillae of Wistar-derived rats aged 5-7 months and 23-24 months. There was no difference in number or size of taste buds in papillae in anterior and posterior areas of the tongue from the two age groups. However, both fungiform and circumvallate papillae were larger in old rats. These results complement a recent study demonstrating no difference in numbers of taste buds in human fungiform papillae from birth to old age (Arvidson, 1979). Both anatomical investigations and human taste threshold studies indicate that age-related differences in the gustatory system are not as substantial as investigators have suggested in the past.

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