Quantitation of alpha-factor internalization and response during the Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell cycle.


The alpha-factor pheromone binds to specific cell surface receptors on Saccharomyces cerevisiae a cells. The pheromone is then internalized, and cell surface receptors are down-regulated. At the same time, a signal is transmitted that causes changes in gene expression and cell cycle arrest. We show that the ability of cells to internalize alpha-factor is constant throughout the cell cycle, a cells are also able to respond to pheromone throughout the cycle even though there is cell cycle modulation of the expression of two pheromone-inducible genes, FUS1 and STE2. Both of these genes are expressed less efficiently near or just after the START point of the cell cycle in response to alpha-factor. For STE2, the basal level of expression is modulated in the same manner.

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