Quality physical of the Luvissolo in the semi-arid of Cearà in agroforestry systems and intensive cropping / Qualidade fÃsica de um Luvissolo cultivado com sistemas agroflorestais e convencional no semi-Ãrido cearense




The introduction of agricultural systems in the natural ecosystem changes the balance of the soil, with reflections on their quality, whose impact will depend on the type of management used and the capacity to support the ground. One of the alternatives is the adoption of agroforestry systems, because these systems promote the protection of soil and are able to maintain their quality under similar conditions, the soil under natural vegetation, since the trees, encourage the soil physical properties. So a study was carried out to evaluate the quality of physical and structural Luvissolo in the semi-arid of Cearà cultivated with agroforestry systems (SAFs) and conventional, using the Least Limiting Water Range (LLWR) and the Index S. The area under study is located on the farm in Crioula Sobral - CE and belongs to the EMBRAPA - CNPC. The treatments selected for this study were: Agrosilvipasture (AGP), Silvipasture (SILV), Natural Vegetation (VN) and Intensive Cropping (CIP). The samples were subjected to a voltage gradient of water and then used in determination of soil density (Ds), resistance to penetration of roots (RP) and volumetric moisture (θv). Then, the results were used for the adjustment of the retention curve of water (CRA), and resistance to penetration (CRP). Through the CRA and the CRP, it was possible to quantify the LLWR and soil critic density (Dsc). There is also the determinate the values of the van Genuchten parameters, for determining the index S. The SAFs showed better physical and structural conditions for plants growth, both for the evaluation of the IHO, and the index S. The CIP, presented the lowest IHO and the lowest value of S, indicating greater physical and structural degradation to soil this treatment.


index s Ãndice s water retention agroecologia curva de retenÃÃo de Ãgua intervalo hÃdrico Ãtimo agronomia solos â estrutura least limiting water range structure agroecology

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