Quality parameters of deep frying in soybean oil and the effects of consumption in Wistar rats / Parâmetros de qualidade de fritura por imersão em óleo de soja e os efeitos do consumo em ratos Wistar




This study aimed to evaluate the alterations in deep frying oil used at an institutional restaurant, the consequences of this use in the fatty acid profile of the oil and fried foods and the effect of the frying oil consumption in the fatty acid profile and in the cellular structure of Wistar rats hepatic tissue. Oil samples were chemically characterized and the fatty acid profile and the vitamin E contents were analyzed. In the fried foods the composition and the fatty acid profile were also analyzed. In the biological assay, the animals were fed by 8 weeks with diets containing fresh oil and deep frying oil, used by 13h38min and by 23h28min. After this period the animals were euthanized and the liver were extracted for analysis. The deep frying process lasted 23h28min and the oil was not excessively degraded by the use, and does not reached the recommended limits of discard. The α-tocopherol content in the oil reduced by 20% after the use for frying, and the loss of the other isomeric tocopherols varied between 38,4 and 49,9%. The fatty acid profile of the oils was altered by frying, with increase of the of saturated, monounsaturated and trans fatty acids, and reduction polyunsaturated fatty acids. For the fryed foods, after the cooking process, there was, generally, an increase of fat content in samples. The fatty acid profile of the foods was altered by frying, with increase of polyunsaturated and trans fatty acids. The results of biological assay does not indicate significant differences in weight gain and lipid absorption by the animals The fatty acid profile of the hepatic tissue did not differ among groups. The histological analysis indicated alterations in the hepatic structure of the animals, with significant amount of esteatosis in the tissue of animals that feed the oil with 23h28min of use. The results indicate that, even though the used oil did not reach the maximum limits of chemical degradation, its consumption by Wistar rats in normolipidical diets was enough to promote histological alterations in animals` livers.


controle de qualidade fritura Óleo de soja nutritional aspects deep frying quality control aspectos nutricionais nutricao soybean oil oils and fats Óleos e gorduras

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