Quality of life in the late segment of ulcerative colitis patients submitted to restorative proctocolectomy with sphincter preservation over ten years / Qualidade de vida no seguimento tardio de doentes portadores de retocolite ulcerativa submetidos a proctocolectomia com conservação  esfincteriana há mais de dez anos




Proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis has revolutionized the surgical therapy of ulcerative colitis patients, making it the operation of choice, especially for the young adults for it completely removes the disease and allows the sphincter preservation. After about 20 years of experimenting with this operation, which initial work was concerned with, above all, its techniques and complications, currently has its attention focused on the study of the quality of life of patients submitted to proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis, evaluating systemic, emotional and social parameters which may influence in the day-to-day life of these patients. To study the quality of life after the surgery, the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ) was used since it presents reproducibility, reflects the important alterations which occur in the health condition of Inflammatory Bowel Disease patients and it can be thoroughly used to evaluate the impact, effectiveness and efficiency of the therapeutical measures, especially now, since it has been translated and validated to the Portuguese language. We are not aware of any national studies (PUBMED databasis) that evaluate the quality of life of patients who have been operated on over 10 years ago. For this reason, we decided to set this study out, employing the same methodology used in a Masters Dissertation presented and approved by the Gastroenterology Department at FMUSP which was later published, now with the IBDQ validated in Brazil. The study comprises of 36 Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) patients submitted to proctocolectomy with sphincter preservation using the J pouch reconstruction who have been operated on over ten years ago. These patients have been taken care at the Rectum and Colon Surgery Ambulatory Services of the Second Surgical Clinic Division of HCFMUSP as of 1985. After applying the IBDQ, it was verified that the quality of life was excellent for 9 patients (25%), good for 11 patients (30,6%), regular for 13 patients (36,1%) and bad for 3 patients (8,3%). Comparing the IBDQ classification to gender, it was noticed that the best results occurred to males in detriment to females. Upon comparing the classification to age, it was verified that the worse the results were associated to the older patients. There has been a notable difference in the quality of life when domains where compared, being these domains the intestinal symptoms compared to the systemic symptoms and the latter to the social aspects. In the realm of intestinal symptoms, a lower score for diarrhea whereas a greater one for rectum bleeding was observed. Upon analyzing the issues in the realm of systemic symptoms, it was acknowledged that a good night of sleep, without having to get up due to the intestinal problem, was the issue with the lowest score, as a matter of fact; it was the lowest score in the whole IBDQ. On the other hand, physical disposition scored the highest. In the social aspects realm, places deprived of restrooms and social appointments scored, respectively, the lowest and highest score. Finally, in the realm of emotional aspects, irritated and satisfied and pleased with his/her life scored, correspondingly, the lowest and highest score. Furthermore, the latter has scored the highest in the whole questionnaire. In our study, we could determine an adequate and satisfactory quality of life 10 years later, similar to the one found in literature; 85% of the patients were happy and satisfied having undergone the surgery. An excellent or good quality of life for 55,6% of the patients was lower than the one found previously at FMUSP, which may be explained by the individually desired personal expectation, inadequate information on excessively optimistic expectations, and the remain or increment of previously used drug dependency. It could be observed in this study that the intestinal realm and the social realm were, possibly, the aspects which were most influential in the results of the quality of life questionnaire. Moreover, the systemic realm was the least influential in the final IBDQ score in both studies. The high level of satisfaction obtained from these results shows that the ileal pouch remain the adequate surgery with acceptable results, corroborated by the highest score result question of the IBDQ. We can conclude, therefore, that the possibility of the sphincter preservation must be always taken into account since patients remain clinically stable and have a high quality of life even after long periods


colite ulcerativa/cirurgia satisfação do paciente proctocolectomia restauradora/métodos quality of life qualidade de vida restorative proctocolectomy/methods follow-up studies seguimentos ulcerative colitis/surgery patient satisfaction

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