Qualidade fisiológica de sementes de soja comerciais e de sementes salvas / Physiological quality of commercial soybean seeds and saved seeds




The use of the popularly called farm saved seed is very common for soybean in the Center -West of Brazil. The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of soybean seeds produced, harvested and stored by a seed company and the seeds produced without following the technical production procedures. The experimental units used for production of commercial seeds were harvested as soon as they reached the maturity with 16,3% water content. They were treated with four applications of insecticides during its cycle for the control of insects and were harvested using a axial flow combine operating at a speed of 500 rpm, while the other experimental units removed of the field with water content of 14,7 and 12,3% were treated only with three applications of insecticide and were harvested conventional Combine operating at a speed of 700 rpm. After the harvest several ways of drying, processing and storage were used for the commercial and the saved seeds. At the beginning and at the end of the storage, all the experimental units were evaluated through the following parameters: Standard Germination Test, Tetrazolium Test, pH of seed Exudate , Acelerated Aging, Seedlings development, Tetrazolium Test 1-3, First counting of the germination test. The results obtained allow to conclude that: 1- Commercial seeds produced in accordance with the technical recommendations of production present superior physiological quality; 2 Seeds of high quality remain viable for six months 3 The different conditions of seed moisture content at harvest and cleanness do not affect the physiologic quality of the materials conducted as grains; 4 Materials conducted as grains are strongly affected by storage.


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