Qualidade do espaço verde urbano: uma proposta de índice de avaliação. / Quality of urban green space: a proposal of evaluation index.




The aim of this work was to propose a new index, amongst other already known, that evaluates the quality of green coverage in relation to its ecological role in urban environment. To elaborate this index, simple random and stratified random sampling were compared with the census, in order to assess the best qualitative and quantitative method to do the tree inventory. A survey of sidewalk arborisation, as well as trees per kilometre, total number of trees and the Shannon Diversity Index (IDS) of sidewalk trees were evaluated. Amongst the studied indexes were the Index of Open Spaces for Public Use (IELUP), Percentage of Open Spaces for Public Use (PELUP), Index of Green Coverage for Urban Areas (ICVAU) and Index of Green per Inhabitant (IVH), by means of digital plan, aerial photography and videography for the areas covered by vegetation measurement. Santa Cecilia District in Piracicaba City, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, was the object of study from 2000 to 2003. The qualitative sampling survey of trees was carried out by simple random sampling, as found to be the most adequate to survey sidewalk trees. Data obtained for 2003, the year chosen to propose the new index, were: a) IELUP varied from 11.42 to 41.62m2/inhab, using videography; b) PELUP varied from 1.52% to 2.89%; c) ICVAU was 25.76m2 (coverage + tree canopy) and 16.48m2 ( tree canopy ); d) IVH consisted of 101.96m2/hab (coverage + tree canopy) and 65.21m2/inhab (tree canopy). The index for the evaluation of green spaces, so named “Index for Quality of Green Urban Space” (IQEVU) was one of the subsidies to study and propose the “Index for Quality of Green Urban Space with Ecological Role” (IQEVUe). The parameters for evaluation of such index were the shading from sidewalk trees; hydrology, Carbon sequestration and temperature influence for all green space. In this study, the proposed IQEVUe seems to be adequate and coherent as an evaluation method for the benefits of urban vegetation, providing subsidies for the planning and management of cities.


geoprocessamento hidrologia urbana sidewalk trees environment qualidade de vida urban environment quality of life silvicultura arborização de rua urban forestry cober-tura do solo urban landscape ambiente urbano planejamento territorial urbano urban management urban hydrology arquitetura paisagística meio ambiente soil coverage

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