Qualidade de vida no trabalho : a avaliação dos trabalhadores sobre o programa de qualidade de vida de sua empresa / QUALITY OF WORK LIFE: ASSESSMENT OF WORKERS ON THE PROGRAM OF QUALITY OF LIFE OF YOUR COMPANY




Along in the History, the way how man performs his work changes according to the lived culture, place and historical moment. Nowadays, we see a way of working in which worker uses much more mind than body, demanding from him enduring availability and accomplishment of goals increasingly hard to reach, which generates stress and reflects negatively in his health and life quality. Programs for quality of life in workspace arise as an attempt to minimize negative effects of this new organization of the work. In this study of case, we search to know more deeply a program for quality of life in workspace from the workers point-of-view, analyzing favorable and opposite motivations to his engagement in such programs and investigating the valuation which employees do of their companys life quality program. The research was accomplished with 460 workers of a state bank where, three years before, was introduced a Program for Quality of Life in the Workspace focused on work out and relax practices. As instruments for gathering data were used documental research, questionnaires and interviews. Results point out that searching for quality of life in the workspace shall be increasingly within the concerns of companies which want to survive in this new century, since workers and the market will be evaluating companies not only by the products they sell, but also by the way they look after the ones who produce their products and services. KEY-WORDS: QUALITY OF LIFE IN THE WORKSPACE WORK PROGRAMS FOR QUALITY OF LIFE IN THE WORKSPACE


qualidade de vida no trabalho - dissertaÇÕes trabalho - aspectos psicolÓgicos - dissertaÇÕes psicologia social

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