Qualidade de vida de pacientes oncológicos na freqüência de um grupo de suporte multidisciplinar




The social relations and of support constitute a factor important to improve the quality of life of the carriers of chronic-degenerative illnesses. In this context, the groups to multidiscipline of support represent one practical one of attention to the health that evidence a therapeutical potential and of learning for the patients, familiar and professional of health. The purpose of this study was to investigate if the group of support modified the quality of life 31 of carrying patients of cancer. In this descriptive and statistical study was used the EORTC-QLQ-C30, questionnaire specific to available the quality of life of oncology patients. The EORTC-QLQ-C30 was used in two phases: before the adhesion of the patient to the group and after four months after the patients started their participation in the group activities. The comparison of the results in the two phases showed increase of scores in Functions and of the Global Measure of Health and Quality of Life. In the same way the results showed the scores reduction in the symptoms scale, and not significant alterations in the item Financial Difficulties. The conclusion of this study was that after the group activities, had improvement of the quality of life of the participants, except in financial question.


grupos oncologia psicologia qualidade de vida

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