Pure solvents and their mixtures solvation: relevance to chemistry and creen chemistry / Solvatação por solventes puros e suas misturas: relevância para química e química verde




In the present work, solvatochromic probes were employed in the study of pure solvents, binary mixtures of water with protic and aprotic solvents, ionic liquids and their aqueous binary mixtures The probes studied are classified in two series: (i) RPMBr2; where R = methyl to 1-octyl allowed increasing the hydrophobicity while maintaining the pKa constant. (ii) The second series involved derivatives of pyridine, quinoline and acridine, this allowed increasing probe hydrophobicity, while maintaining similar pKa. The two series of probes showed different solvatochromic behaviors both in pure solvents and binary solvent mixtures. A modified equation of Taft-Kamlet-Abboud allowed quantification of each solvent property, including acidity, dipolarity/polarizability and hydrophobicity to the response of each probe. The preferential solvation model which explicitly considers the presence of three species was employed; it considers the competition of water, organic solvent and the complex water-organic solvent in the probe solvation shell. The results shed light on the interactions that affect solvation, including temperature-induced desolvation. Preliminary results on aqueous ionic liquids showed the similarities and difference between solvation by these "green" mixtures and those of aqueous alcohols. An application of solvatochromism for understanding a physical-chemical phenomenon was presented: the results of application of preferential solvation model of probes in aqueous tetramethylurea mixtures was used to explain the gelation of the protein lysozyme in this same solvent system.


sondas solvatocrômicas lisozime modelo de solvatação preferencial líquidos iônicos preferential solvation model solvatochromic probes lisozima misturas binárias polaridade binary mixtures polarity ionic liquids

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