Publikationen der mexikanischen Germanistik im Wandel (1971-2018): Deutsch als Fremdsprache


Pandaemonium ger.




Abstract This presents the second part of a bibliographical study aims to outline the evolution of publications of German Studies in Mexico. We focus on the area of German as a foreign language, which consists of 480 titles found, starting in 1971. We are principally interested in authors and the institutions in which they work, media of publication, thematic priorities, languages of publication and the role of lecturers of the academic exchange services DAAD and OeaD. In addition, a comparative perspective will be adopted with regard to some of the data obtained in the first part of this study. Different quantitative phases of publications were found, the highest point being from 2000 to 2009. In addition, there was a marked preponderance of a few authors, mostly linked to the UNAM. As a medium of publication, authors prefer the proceedings of congresses, followed by journal articles. Almost half of all works were issued by the Mexican Association of German Teachers (AMPAL). As for content, teaching practice topics and evaluation predominate. More than two thirds of the texts are written in German and by authors with L1 German. In recent years there has been a clear decrease in the number of publications.

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