Psychology &Law: a view from historical-cultural perspective / Psicologia &Direito: um olhar da perspectiva histÃrico-cultural




This search was conducted from the historical-cultural perspective, valuing the descriptive aspects and personal perceptions of 10 students of law, focusing on the individual as part of the social totality, seeking to understand how to conceive: concrete situations of social inequality, and the criminalization of social movements. We sought to understand whether students prepare future projects of action for reducing social inequality. The study was conducted at a particular university in a little city of Sao Paulo. This study was grounded theory based on three pillars: a) an analysis of the conditions of life under capitalism, b) a discussion on the role of education in capitalist society influencing law degree, and c) from the intersection of psychology and law aimed to understand: social inequality and social movements. The historical materialism dialectical was used as methodological perspective in qualitative research. Were structured as material for analysis in this study: 2 Instrument Information Search (IIS), containing identification data and socio-demographic data, as well as written answers for each participant, produced from two texts of popular movements. Were performed two Focal Groups meetings. The considerations, reflections and notes on the information obtained, were produced from a dialectical analysis as a way to understand the conflicts between individuals and society, resulting summaries, the researcher developed from an interpretative analysis of the contradictions expressed in texts written by participants. As this study indicated the main considerations: I) need to broaden the discussion about what are the social movements and their forms of collective expression in daily life; II) the importance of more research that seeks to understand the characteristics of law students, their specificities, and their cultural universe, and III) the need to develop a linked network between psychology and law, which favors original practices with creativity, flexibility and methodological foundation to integrate the knowledge of both areas, to enable a mode of action against social inequalities.


psicologia social estudantes de direito movimentos sociais materialismo histÃrico materialismo dialÃtico social psychology law - psychological aspects social movements historical materialism psicologia direito - aspectos psicolÃgicos dialectical materialism law students

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