Psychoactive drug use among working and non-working adolescent students from the state school network in Cuiabá, Western Brazil. / Uso de drogas Psicoativas entre Estudantes Adolescentes Trabalhadores e não Trabalhadores da Rede Estadual de Ensino de Cuiabá, Mato Grosso.




Objective: to analyze the prevalence and factors associated with lifetime use of psychoactive drugs among working and non-working adolescent students. Methods: we carried out an analytical cross-sectional study using a clustered sample stratified by type of education. We administered an anonymous, self-administered questionnaire in classroom. Our sample included 2,718 adolescents (993 workers and 1,725 non-workers) enrolled in 1998 in the state school network of Cuiabá, Center-Western Brazil. We considered as lifetime use the consumption of any psychoactive drug at least once in life. We used bivariate and multivariate analysis, including logistic regression and a decision tree based on the CHAID algorithm (Chi-squared automatic interaction Detection). Results: We found 22.7% prevalence of lifetime drug use, excluding alcohol and tobacco. This prevalence was greater among workers (28.5%) than among non-workers (19.3%). Prevalence for individual drugs was 81.0% and 65,8% for alcohol, 43.7% and 26,8% for tobacco, 14.6% and 11,7% for solvents, 8.6% and 4,4% for marijuana, 6.9% and 3,6% for amphetamines, 6.4% and 3,3% for anxiolitics, and 3.2% and 1.4% for cocaine. Absenteeism was a risk factor for drug use among both groups. Other risk factors included poor relationship between parents among workers (OR = 1.53; 95%;CI:1.10-2.12) and poor relationship with father among non-workers (OR = 1.56; 95%;CI:1.14-2.14). Conclusion: Differences and similarities between working and non-working students must be considered when implementing educational strategies aimed at modifying drug use related behavior.


psiquiatria work, adolescent student, psychoactive drugs, epidemiology, mental health. 1. trabalho. 2. estudante adolescente. 3. drogas psicoativas 4. saúde mental 5. epidemiologia 6. saúde pública

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