Psicodinâmica de usuários de drogas: contribuições da avaliação psicológica". / Psychodinamism of drug users: psychological evaluation contributions.




The addition of the psychoactive drugs is a phenomenon that reaches all the societies, causing serious damages in the most diverse social contexts. Significant advances in the knowledge on psychopharmacological and epidemiologists aspects of the drogadiction in the present time, however, relative inquiries to the psychodynamism of the of drug users are not presented in the same ratio. By means of the gravity and complexity of this problematic, its important to congregate technicians indications referring to the psychodynamism of these individuals drogadictions, in intention to understand the phenomenon deeply. Ahead of these considerations, it was objectified to evaluate the psychological characteristics of users of drugs being focused their histories of life, their neuropsicomotor development and their personality dynamic. Twenty men of 18 35 years old was available, 10 users of psychoactive drugs (G1) in treatment search, newly-ingressed in contexts of institucional internment and others 10 not users of drugs (G2), the last, the control group. As technician resources for the psychological evaluation they had been used the semi-structured interview, the INV- Test form-C, the Complex Figures of Rey and the Rorschach Method. The application of the methods was made in two sessions, carried through in the own institution or in the particular doctors office of the researcher. The INV indicated intellectual normality in all the participants. The Figures of Rey had evidenced neuropsychomotor normality, however with deficit of performance of G1 in relation to G2, in virtue of the tension and impulsiveness of this group in the accomplishment of the task. The subjects have related experiences of intense feeling of desperation and total loss of life control, generating great inquietude and anxiety. The Rorschach evidenced massive use of the rationality and control of the affectivity in G1 and G2; similarities in affective sensitivity (existential formulas) and inefficacious control of the affection in G1, associated with the affective immaturity and difficulties in the social adaptation in G1 (increase of H%). The experience of the feeling of anguish and impotence in front of the dramaticity of the familiar context was mentioned as the main causer of the drogadiction. Anguish, death and traumatic accidents associates to the familiar context had been recurrent themes in the history of life of the G1. The majority of them has told confrontation of dramatical situations during the childish development and the corresponding feeling of impotence in front of the fact was prominent for the ingression in the drogadiction. The familiar problematic was proven in the perceptions of the hostile and violent context of the relation with the paternal figure: lack of agreement with the father; absence, sorrow or violence associated to the paternal figure. The symbolic analysis of Rorschachs plate IV, also evidenced, frequently, disforical and threatening sensation, ahead of the masculine figure perceived under the form of fantastic figures or pára-humans. However, the users of drugs had presented good intelective potential, partially utilized, joint for anxiety and constant tension.


interview psicodinamica avaliação psicologica rorschach drogadição drogadiction rorschach test psychological evaluation

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