Prováveis significados paleoambientais das pinturas rupestres zoomorfas do parque nacional serra da Capivara PI. / Possible meanings of paleoenvironmental zoomorphic paintings of the National Park of Capybara - PI.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In Serra da Capivara National Park and adjacencies there is a wide range of archeological sites which provides diverse information about the first human settlements in America since it holds many characteristics from their existence in different ecosystems of the region. There are more than 1,000 registered sites (not definitive) in the park, about 657 of them have cave paintings; the others are villages, cemeteries and settlements. The cave paintings picture routine activities such as hunting, giving birth, sex, social struggle, games, relationships and rituals. These paintings have multiple functions which reveal that, in that territory, the first settlers daily life was very dynamic and can also provide evidence that there was history, education, socialization, communication and religiousness in Brazilian history ancient times. It is possible to identify in the paintings from the various rock zoomorphic representations and their likely interpretations species absent today in the region and others completely extinct; some are so well done that it is possible to identify the gender of the printed animal through antlers and other species gender determinant characteristics. It is common to see paintings of crabs, lizards, siriemas, armadillos, pacas, cats, crocodiles, coatis, camelids, tailed deer and capybaras these last ones disappeared from the region due to the current extreme aridity, what leads to the hypothesis that it was a more humid area in a not very distant past. Another specie often potrayed in the paintings is the emu Rhea Americana, extinguished from the area not long ago. Based on the identification and a deep study of the fauna pictured in the cave paintings of the Serra do Capivara National Park as well as on the information gathered from the literature, the aim is to rebuild the probable environmental conditions from the period when the paintings were made, thus becoming a reliable paleoenvironmental reference.


parque nacional serra da capivara pinturas rupestres paleoambiente paleontologia arqueologia. serra da capivara national park cave paintings paleoenvironment paleontology geologia ambiental archeology.

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