Prospecção geoquímica: estaurolita, ilmenita e magnetita como minerais traçadores para depósitos do tipo VMS / Chemistry prospection: staurolite, ilmenite, magnetite guide minerals for VMS deposits


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The Itutinga region was studied for BP mineration in 80s , where they found sulphide mineralization in lenses (Zn-Cu-Ag-Fe) associated with komatiitic peridotite rocks and tholeitic basalts (amphibolites) of greenstone belts, near of Fazenda São Jerônimo. With this information in the literature the propose is study the staurolite, magnetite and ilmenite for indicating the applicability of these three minerals as tracers of these types of mineralization. For this, samples of stream sediment and panning concentrates in the region near the city of Itutinga, and also in a region near the city of Itumirim. The stream current, magnetic fractions and ilmenite fractions were sent to chemistry analyses (Atomic absorption and ICP-OES), and the panning concentrates were analyzed for the separating of staurolite crystals, and sent to SEM-EDS. The stream sediments results showed that the point of Fazenda São Jerônimo (ME-03, Itutinga 51,7 ppm of Zn) and the point of Ribeirão Santa Cruz (ME-06, Itumirim 36,1 ppm of Zn) were presented the best result. The staurolite of panning concentrates were divided into three groups according to levels of ZnO matched: 1 - between 2.96% and 3.25% by weight of ZnO, 2 - from 2, 03% and 2.76% by weight of ZnO, 3 - <1.67% ZnO by weight, comparable with other staurolite found in many zinc deposits in the world, such as Dry River, Australia and Palmeirópolis Goiás. Thus, the staurolite show good results as indicator minerals in the area. With respect to magnetite and ilmenite concentrates, the number of samples collected in both areas was too small to have conclusive information. On the other hand, the results of the chemical ilmenite (up to 856 ppm Zn) and magnetite (up to 216 ppm Zn), indicate the availability of this metal in the areas studied. Thus, it is possible to detect the presence of zinc by two means: through stream sediments through chemical dispersion halos of zinc, minerals and through resistive minerals (zincian staurolite, magnetite and ilmenite), from a crystal clastic dispersion.


prospecção estaurolita ilmenita magnetita minerais traçadores depósitos vms prospeccao mineral prospection estaurolite, ilmenite magnetite guide minerals vms deposits

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