Propuesta de una escala para medir la calidad del servicio de los centros de atención secundaria de salud


Revista de Administração Pública




Chile's Ministry of Health has made it one of its main objectives to provide services that meet the expectations of the population. To achieve this, it is necessary to know what the quality of service offered by healthcare centers is like. In Chile, secondary healthcare centers have not developed quality of service scales that have a good level of validity, dependability, and dimensionality. This article proposes a scale that fulfills these conditions so as to measure in an optimal way the quality of service that secondary healthcare centers offer their patients. To achieve this objective, a structured survey was applied, followed by an exhaustive psychometric analysis of the facts through exploratory and confirmatory analysis that included structural equations. This study allowed for the construction and proposal of a scale that is valid, dependable and has a good level of dimensionality composed of five subscales that are clearly related and integrated in one single construct. These are: reliability, empathy, response capacity, accessibility, and tangibility.

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