Propriedades dielétricas e térmicas das blendas de poliestireno com ácido oléico e polietireno com betacaroteno / Properties dielétricas and thermal of the blends of polystyrene with oleic acid and polietireno with Beta-Carotene




The thermal, dielectrics and optics properties of vegetable oils have been studied by Amazonian Materials Physic Group since 1996 in the Department of Physic of UFPA. Recently collaboration with Physical-chemistry of polymer Laboratory in the Chemistry Institute of UnB allowed studying these oils and its components as polymeric blends. In this work, we search to contribute for this study and we explore thermal and dielectric properties as temperature dependence of blends: Polystyrene (PS) modified with Oleic Acid (OA) and polystyrene modified with Beta-Carotene (BC). We performed dielectric constant and thermal diffusivity measurements resorting Capacitance Bridge and photopyroelectric technical, respectively. We estimate moment of dipole for PS/OA blend in the Debye, Onsager and Kirkwood theoretical models and fitting linear regression of experimental data. The results show the phase transition of OA persists in the blend and it is displacement for high temperature.


oleic acid blends of polystyrene dielectrics properties blendas de poliestireno amazonian materials physic group grupo de física de materiais da amazônia (gfma) ácido oléico polietireno propriedades dielétricas fisica polietireno betacaroteno propriedades térmicas beta-carotene thermal properties

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