Propostas para gestão integrada dos recursos hídricos na bacia hidrográfica do rio Jardim DF.




The management of the water resources should be based on technical, scientific, political and cultural criteria. The administration of the water should consider a participative approach, involving the administration and the development of the control actions, including the participation of users, planners legislators in all of the levels, being necessary an intervention more drifted and that considers all the aspects of the hydrologic cycle, as well as the quantitative and qualitative aspects, including the adoption of the watershed and the hydrogeologic basin as the planning units. The management proposals presented by the institutional and academic media are not sufficiently wide in the conception of integration of all parameters that must be considered in the administration of the natural resource. The systemization of the data, integration and the construction of models in simplified language and of unrestricted access to each water user is a challenge when the evolution and the progress of the technology in the environmental area promote a more onerous utilization of the water bodies. The research is based on the study of case of the Jardim River Watershed in the Federal District, Brazil. The objective of the work is to show and to evaluate as the variables of the natural landscape integrated to the economic aspects can result in the integrated and participative management of the water resources.


desenvolvimento sustentável outros gestão integrada recursos hídricos políticas públicas rio jardim (brasil/df) água recursos hídricos -propostas gestão ambiental

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