Proposta metodológica para aquisição de dados biotelemétricos em tempo real




This work presents a methodological proposal for the acquisition of biometric data through telemetric, basing on the research-action and case study for its development. Now, it is necessary the use specific devices of obtaining of biometric signs for professionals paymasters in the branch of physical evaluation. These devices many times are of high cost and difficult use and I handle. It was elaborated a methodological proposal then for conceptual to develop a biotelemetric device for acquisition of signs oximetria biometrics, corporal temperature and podometria, essential for the area of physical evaluation. They were researched the types of existent biometrics sensors, the possible ways for the remote transmission of signs and the computer systems available so that the acquisition of data could be possible. A methodological proposal of remote acquisition of biometrics signs is based on four modules was elaborated then: Aquisitor of biometrics data; Converser and Transmitter of biometrics signs; Receiver and Processor of biometrics signs and Generator of interpretative Graphs. The modules seek the obtaining of interpretative graphs of the signs of the human biometric. For the validation of this proposal a functional prototype was developed for the case studies, presented in the development of this work.


oximetry engenharia de produção - dissertações body temperature biometria temperatura corporal production engineering oximetria telemetria aeroespacial biometry aerospace telemetry engenharia de producao

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