Proposta de integração entre tecnologias adaptativas e algoritmos genéticos. / Proposal for integration of adaptive technology and genetic algorithms.




This work is an initial study about the integration of two computing engineering areas, the adaptive technologies and the genetic algorithms. For that, it was per- formed the application of genetic algorithms for the adaptive automata inference. Several techniques were studied and proposed along the algorithm implementation, always seeking for more satisfying results. Both technologies, genetic algorithm and adaptive technology, hold very strong adaptive features, however, with very di®erent characteristics in the way they are implemented and executed. The inferences, proposed in this work, were performed with success, so that the techniques described may be employed in aid tools for designers of such de- vices. Tools that may be useful due to the complexity involved in the development of an adaptive automaton. Through this genetic algorithm application, observing how automata evolved during the algorithm execution, we believe that it was obtained a better under- standing about the adaptive automaton structure and how those two, so impor- tant, technologies can be integrated.


automata theory genetic algorithms language inference inteligência artificial adaptive automata computing theory teoria dos autômatos teoria da computação algoritmos genéticos

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