Proposta de gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos urbanos para o município de Caçapava / Management of the urban solid residues in the based city of is Caçapava


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




One of the biggest problems in the city of Caçapava is the final destination of the urban solid residues and the lack of populations awareness talking about recycling.This writing consists in the elaboration of a purpose about management of urban solid residues in the city of Caçapava. Researches among the autorities, correct organizations and population were made and also analysis of federal, state and city laws. Caçapavas reclying company was also visited as the city neighbors sanitarian place.It was checked that the seletive colection is made just in a few neighborhoods and the most part of solid residues is focused to the sanitarian place, not existing in the city a plan to aware and engage population about solid residues generated. Caçapava may adopt simple goals that may bring significative results to solid residues generated.


resíduos sólidos urbanos desenvolvimento sustentável gestão ambiental gerenciamento de resíduos urban solid residues sustentable development ambiental and residual management residuos solidos, domesticos e industriais

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