Proposta de extensões a métodos e ferramentas de desenvolvimento de sistemas de automação distribuídos baseados em modelos dados pela UML e pela IEC 61499. / Proposal for extensions of methods and tools aimed at the development of distributed automation systems based on UML and IEC 61499 models.




The main motivation of this research was to investigate tools and methods which could help engineers to develop better automation system projects. So, with this aim, the contributions of both software engineering and control engineering areas were investigated: the first offered methods and tools to be used in the requisite elicitation and system analysis project phases, in which the system could be designed in terms of UML models; the latter contributed mainly through implementation and test tools, related to the usage of function blocks, especially the IEC 61499 standard eventoriented ones. Many authors suggest the unification between object-orientation techniques expressed through UML and project methods done with the IEC 61499 event-driven function blocks, so that software engineers and control engineers could keep working with their own area techniques and tools, in the context of an automation system design, but in a collaborative sense. In this work, the mapping between UML and IEC 61499 standard concepts was investigated from a theoretical point of view, even though the intention behind that was to find or generate tools which could automate this kind of conversion. Additionally, other tools related to help engineers in the development of automation systems (particularly those which used IEC 61499 standard abstractions) were also analyzed. After all that, some contributions to this area could be proposed: as for the methods, a new simplified UML-IEC61499 mapping, whose main features are the usage, in UML, of a less IEC 61499-constrained vocabulary (opposite to what happened in the other studied techniques), and the way of expressing automation systems temporal requisites (still related to the UML-IEC61499 conversion context); as for the tools, a comparison between IEC 61499 and the LonWorks technology logical models, which led to the conclusion that it would be possible to implement LonWorks automation systems whose models were expressed at first through IEC 61499 abstractions (mainly those resultant from the usage of UML-IEC61499 conversion tools). The conclusion of this work is that with the development of all these tools and techniques it would be possible to aid engineers through all automation system development phases, and the implementation of such systems could be done with a broadly-accepted control system technology. It was also identified that many other study opportunities were raised by this research, such as discovering ways of expressing other QoS requisites in automation system models, and trying to implement more complete engineering project tools.


metodologia e técnicas de computação uml softwares automação predial automation systems computer aided engineering iec 61499 modeling lonworks normas técnicas

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