Proposta de avaliação da simetria e transferencia de peso e a relação dessa condição com a atividade funcional do hemiplegico




Hemiplegia is a motor condition resulting from a neurological impairment that results not only in partial or total loss of movements but also in a complex disturbance of motor, sensorial, perceptual, emotional functions which affect the subject s personal life and his family. These disturbances result in inability to perform daily activities and can interrupt other activities that the person used to undertake before the injury, suchc as a job or leisure activities. One of the most common locomotion deficit identified in hemiplegic people is the tendency to maintain asymmetrical posture, with a decreased weight bearing on the side involved and body weight shift towards the non-paretic side. This condition is not favorable to obtain postural control and it is an obstacle to orientation and stance stability to perform trunk and limb movements. Considering that performing daily and social activities entails such control, this research aims to propose an assessment to evaluate this condition and its relation with the hemiplegic s ability to perform functional activities in daily and social tasks. The proposed assessment resulted in a systems protocol composed by relevant items to verify these conditions in sitting and standing postures. The assessment of symmetry and weight transfer was used in 50 hemiplegic subjects with direct testing. Daily and social activities were also assessed by interviews using a modified Barthel Index (IBm) and Frenchay Activities Index (F AI), respectively. F AI assessment was used to verify the functional status before (FAI-A) and after (FAI-P) the impairment. The values corresponding to each item in the assessments were marked and subsequently summed up to verify the total values from each scale. The results from these assessments were codified in figures and these were analyzed on statistic programs. Tlie results demonstrated a positive correlation between the assessment of the symmetric and transferred weight with IBm and FAI-P demonstrating that this condition is one of the aspects to be considered when we aim to achieve autonomy and independence in functional activities. This way we could verify that, in general, the subjects that obtained higher marks in an assessment of symmetry and weight transfer also have higher marks in IBm and FAI-P. This study also demonstrated that the assessment of symmetry and weight transfer and the functional scale were effective and practical to investigate this condition. Besides it proved to be an interesting instrument to do cross-studies and to assist professionals in several areas to use it as a method to obtain the necessary information to enable, to plan and to monitor programs to people with hemiplegia


postura humana hemiplegia qualidade de vida deficientes fisicos - reabilitação capacidade motora

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