Proposta de aplicabilidade do módulo CFE e sua instrumentação para análise fisiológica do esôfago / Applicability proposal of the CFE module and its instrumentation for esophagus physiological analysis.




The aim of this study was to prepare and submit a project to a Research Ethics Committee in order to assess the feasibility of using the CFE in humans, the tolerability of the patient to the module permanence into the esophagus and the effect on the food intake, as well as the possible complications, the assessment of the impact on patients health and if the procedure is safe and minimally invasive as proposed in its development. Another objective of this study was to instrument the CFE module to monitor key physiological parameters of the esophagus, which are: the presence of reflux and the peristaltic wave. The module CFE - Esophageal Flow Controller - designed to aid in the treatment of obesity, being used temporarily in the esophagus, has been tested in previous research on cadavers and dogs, and the dogs lost an average of 8% of their initial weight. In this study, it was elaborated a project in which the module will be implemented and monitored for a period of twenty days in five individuals and then, this project was submitted to the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Goias, it was approved and forwarded to the National Research Ethics Committee. Another result obtained was the development of the hardware design for the instrumentation of the module, based on the esophageal tests already used in clinical practice. The circuit was tested in bench and showed satisfactory results, encouraging the beginning of the in vivo tests. In conclusion, the circuit was patented by being innovative, feasible and clinically usable.


obesidade instrumentos e aparelhos médicos engenharia eletrica cirurgia aparelho digestivo materiais biomédicos

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