"Proposal for encryption and signature schemes under certificateless public key cryptography model" / "Proposta de esquemas de criptografia e de assinatura sob modelo de criptografia de chave pública sem certificado"




Under the model of Identity Based Cryptography (ID-PKC), the public key can be the user s identity, therefore it does not require a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) with its complex management of Digital Certificates. On the other hand, this system requires a Private Key Generator (PKG), a trusted authority who is in possession of a master key and can generate any of the private keys. In this way, PKG can exercise the so-called key escrow, which is undesirable in many applications. The concept of Certificateless Public Key Cryptography (CL-PKC) was proposed in order to remove the key escrow characteristic of IBC, while it does not require PKI neither Digital Certificates to certify the public keys. CL-PKC is no more an IBC because public keys are introduced, to bind the identities with its secret keys. In this thesis we construct two schemes, one CL-PKE and one CL-PKS, based on bilinear pairing functions which: (1) does not allow key escrow by the PKG; (2) does not require Digital Certificates; (3) is more efficient, in some aspects, than previously published CL-PKE and CL-PKS schemes; (4) and is secure in the sense that it is strong against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks (in CL-PKE) and adaptive chosen message attacks (in CL-PKS), under Random Oracle Model.


cl-pkc emparelhamento bilinear icp bilinear pairing certificateless public key cryptography digital signature id-pkc security segurança cl-pkc key escrow ibe assinatura digital criptografia de chave pública sem certificado custódia de chaves

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