Propagação não linear de pulsos em estruturas 1D com band gap fotonico / Nonlinear pulse propagation in one-dimensional photonic band gap structures


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The interaction of ultrashort optical pulses with photonic band gap materials has been studied by considering light propagation through one-dimensional photonic band gap structures, composed of a periodic multilayer stack of dielectric materials whose unitary cell consists of a pair of layers with different refractive indices n1and n2, respectively. One of these, say n2, is doped with a X (3)nonlinear material. It is well known that band gaps widths and locations depend fundamentally on the refractive index contrast d n = | n1 - n1 | and, by assigning to n2 an intensity dependent refractive index, one is bound to dinamically control the band gap width with the incident light pulse. Therefore, the basic idea here is to investigate the dynamics of propagation in the neighborhood of such an intensity-dependent band gap for important applications in the design of all-optical photonic devices such as limiters and switches. Within the framework of Maxwell s equations, a numerical investigation is made by considering the propagation of optical fields through multilayers with a Kerr, as well as a saturable, type of nonlinearity. The latter is important for the description of the interaction with high field strength pulses because in this case the field-induced change in the refractive index is influenced by higher-order nonlinearities and, as a consequence, this change becomes saturated. This model is appropriate to describe materials such as semiconductor-doped glasses (e.g. CdS 1-x Sex) and organic polymers, which have high nonlinear optical properties. The wave propagation is solved using a time-domain modified version of the standard fast Fourier Beam Propagation Method (FFT-BPM) with an adaptive step size, which can handle transmission, diÿraction and, especially, reflection of electromagnetic waves caused by discontinuities on the refractive index, with the advantange of not requiring the introduction of additional boundary conditions.


otica não-linear cristais fotonicos propagação de pulsos nonlinear optics photonic crystals pulse propagation

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