Projeto Pure Mutt - Puro vira lata: Um Estudo Coreográfico nas Danças Urbanas: Samba-reggae, Capoeira e Hip Hop.




The object of this dissertation was choreographic composition inspired by urban dances of the African diaspora. This choreographic research was based on the following forms of dance: samba-reggae, capoeira and hip hop. One of the specific goals involved using a collaborative creative process with the participating artists. The culmination of the creative process took the form of a live performance as well as the recording and editing of a DVD, which reveals the behind the scenes work, interviews with the artists and rehearsal clips, as well as the final performance. The goals of this project were achieved through bibliographic research and fieldwork. The bibliographic research focused on the dance forms mentioned above, cultural theory, ethnicity, popular African Brazilian and African American culture and globalization. The fieldwork took the following forms: collaborations with the Dance School of the Cultural Foundation of the State of Bahia and the Capoeira School Ginga e Malícia and participation as both artist and spectator in samba-reggae, capoeira, hip hop and reggae events in Salvador between 2005 and 2007. Rehearsals and creative production were carried out over a three-month period at the Dance School of the Cultural Foundation of the State of Bahia, the Capoeira School Ginga e Malícia and at the Federal University of Bahia. The final presentation of Pure Mutt occurred on December 9, 2006 in the Praça Dois de Julho of Campo Grande, Salvador, Bahia. This work was also presented at the 32nd Conference of the Association of Caribbean Studies in Salvador, Bahia (May 2007).


coreografia hip hop samba-reggae cultura popular capoeira diáspora africana etnicidade globalização. dança danca

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