Projeto Porto Novo: Fé, altruísmo e contradições dos alemães do oeste de Santa Catarina.




The purpose of this research was to analyze the web of cultural, economical, and social relationships that were woven into life of the Germans of the New Port project (which is now the County districts of Itapiranga, Saint John of the West, and Tunápolis) foundeb by Jesuit Priests in 1926 in the extreme West of Santa catarina. The study, full of subjective significance, intends to differ from the positive Official History that up to now has established the truths about the daring homogeneous project. The research justifies itself by reopening pages that attributes a marginal character to the history of the majority, and by excessively opening wounds that have been healed by the action of time, but not forgotten by the collective memory. The New Port history, as mentioned in teuto-Brazilian literature, as being one of the most closed and coercive colonizations of the European migration in Brazil, was reconstructed through a fictitious character named Alfredo. In the narrative, documents and other resource sources were embebded in the text. The interviews achieved a life of their own and ceased being fragments cemented in long textual citations, short textual citations, and indirect textual citations, etc. Alfredo was constructed through flexible instruments, and embodied live processes, resurrecting the question of the method in a new level. On the other hand, life stories were reinvented, as a result of dozens of private letters, sealed files of civil and religious institutions, documents never published, and life stories that reopened closed pages of the official history, as well as expressing a very large subjective significance of this researchers own physical and historical narrative. The initial predictions were confirmed, and some conclusions stand supreme: the demarcation of 583 square kilometers as a captive territory amid a virgin area, wit the purpose of formation of perfect Christians for the economical, social, and cultural life; they colony through the leveling action of collectivity, tried a mystic and fanatic religious noosphere, unprecedented in the colonizations of Southern Brazil; the project and adapted to two different periods: one had the Church as the epicenter of the decisions up to the decade of 1970, thus consolidating the latent desire of this Institutions to impede that the horrors of immorality as associated with modernity reach the social fabric, and the subsequent period, where large agribusinesses (milk, poultry, and pigs) established themselves as centrals of diffusions of modernity, and governed in accordance with the laws of the market. Thus, Alfredo delineates the narrative of relationships, the game of life, and the correlation of interlaced forces that were sustained for eight decades in the area of the old New Porto Novo.


projeto porto novo itapiranga, sc -- historia ciencias sociais aplicadas alemaes -- emigracao e imigracao -- santa catarina, sc new port project jesuitas -- santa catarina, sc santa catarina, sc -- historia

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