Projeto pedagógico: uma ação coletiva.




With the promulgation of the direction of Lines Law and Bases (LDB), in the decade of ninety, and a consequent redirection of the educative politics now of the call decade of the Education, the project pedagogical political of the school was the subject that more received contributions and prominences. It is said, therefore, in the construction of an educational project that takes care of to the real necessities of educating, in general, the society, providing, thus, a formation that values the full development of the humanity direction in addition, citizenship. LDB 9394/96 gives to the schools autonomy to elaborate a political-pedagogical project that has taken in account the local community, the daily one, the interests of the pupils, and makes of the school a space that if it organizes for the collective one. It is on the construction of this pedagogical project of the school that this inquiry if leans over, constructing itself from a qualitative and exploration research, that had as empirical field a school of the state net of education located in the Freguesia do Ó, a district, in the periphery of São Paulo. Assumes in this research the proposal to analyze as the school-field conceives its Project Pedagogical Political, having as reference the concept of "pedagogical project" in the joint with the categories of "Democracy" and "Autonomy", whose synthesis demonstrates Paulo Freire so well when it affirms that "democracy, freedom and autonomy are collective conquests that demand committal, respect, dialogue and power of decision of all the involved ones". Beyond the reflections of this author, this work is served, for the analysis of the collected data, the contributions of Moacir Gadotti, Jose E. Romão and Selma Pimenta. The research carried through in the years of 2003/2004 used of some procedures technician for the collection of data with the citizens, such as open and closed questionnaires, interviews and comments of the school daily. The analysis of these data points with respect to the concern of the school-field with the democratic management, considering it relation school-community, in the construction of its pedagogical project.


comprometimento autonomy democracy quality compromising democracia educacao autonomia qualidade

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