Projeto e desenvolvimento de uma interface de rede local para aplicações em automação industrial




This dissertation presents the project of a Local Area Network (LAN) Interface developed at the Instituto de Automação of the Centro Tecnológlco para Informática. This project has a implementation proposal of hardware and software for industrial application needs. The projecl constitutes of a inteHigent board where the two lower layers of the OSI Reference Model reside, which are implemented similar to the Mini-MAP specification. The MAC sublayer is a "token-bus" type with a transmission rate of IMbit/s, allowing up to 254 nodes in the same LAN segment. The LAN controIler chíp used is nOl compatible to the IEEE 802.4 Standard. The LLC sublayer operates in Class 3 ofthe IEEE 802.2 Standard, supporting priority in the processíng of messages. The programs running in the LAN Interface use the services of a multi-task kernel. This programs and the kernel are written using the C programming language. The LAN Interface has two versions: one for the IBM PC/XT bus and other for the ECB bus


interfaces (computador) automação industrial redes locais de computação

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