Projeto de extensão da FOB/USP Rondônia e o pensamento crítico social na formação do fonoaudiólogo e odontólogo: uma ação educativa transformadora / Extension project of FOB USP Rondônia and the critical thinking in the social formation of the speech therapist and dentist: a transforming educational action


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research discusses the practice of university extension in thinking advocated by Paulo Freire. In this dialogical pedagogy, teachers and students interact with the reality they learn and extract the content of learning, with opportunities to do it better, in order to act on it, thus providing social transformation with a privileged space. Therefore, 10 students from the dental and speech therapy courses of the Dental School with the University of São Paulo, campus at Bauru, participating in the FOB Rondônia Extension project were investigated. This is a cross-sectional study which used a qualitative method for information gathering, analysis of the content of interviews and documents, mapping of the actions as to the academic plan, teacher/student/society ratio in a new teaching/learning space. Through documentary analysis, interviews performed, observation and interaction in the scenario where extension activities are developed, it is clear that the contribution to the training of dentistry and speech therapy students occurs in two levels: in the technical training and the training for relation quality, anchored by Paulo Freire´s concept, in which students dialogue with the local reality, respect cultural diversity and the autonomy of their actions. Thus, it can be concluded that the activities proposed in FOB´s extension project in Rondônia involve teachers, university staff, students and society; it provides the reflection and action in scenarios of national and regional realities, producing interdisciplinary knowledge and promoting the integrated vision of society, being inseparable from teaching and research.


pensamento paulo freire projeto extensão universitária public health saúde coletiva university extension project paulo freire´s thought

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