Projeto de arquitetura de interiores de lojas voltadas para o segmento luxo: um estudo de caso da rua Oscar Freire




Nowadays, the Brazilian economy is passing through a big turbulence, and the retail trade practice is getting more and more crowded. As it is getting worse finding opportunities to differentiate products, prices, promotions and locations, the retail traders are trying to transform their own store into a competitive differentiate, making it more attractive and stimulating. Proofing through market studies, the atmosphere of a store, simultaneous with the desire of the consumer, makes that the consumer himself stays longer there, stimulating him to buy something. The physical presentation of the store, in and outside, must reflect cultural and social elements, being fundamental to find and identify them. This planning action requires a good architecture project and a strong merchandising action, through techniques on the presentation of the goods. In the past, luxury products were restrictedly commercialized in the upper most classes of our society. Over the years, this situation has been changed and today these goods are widely available to the general public. In fact, this is a result of a Marketing Spirit strategy used by large retail companies, where these prime products are made available in large scale (more places, more buyers and lowers prices). In light of the above, it is imperative to understand how to set-up the correct environment for this whole strategy to take place. What is expected from this study is to identify important aspects relative to the design of high-end commercial interiors. Nonetheless the goal is to contribute with the development of better architectonic plans for retail stores.


consumer behavior comportamento do consumidor retail trade marketing projeto de arquitetuta e urbanismo arquitetura de interiores comerciais marketing de varejo commercial architecture of interior

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