Progresso e capitalismo




The paradigm of progress constitutes the keystone on which the essential values of westem society are erected. Its preponderance coincides with the consolidation of Capitalism and shows the strong links between this mode of production and the paradigm of progresso In the first place, this can be attributed to the highly progressive character of the capitalist system. The continuous introduction of innovations and the successive transformation of products and productive procedures contribute to consolidating, in the eyes of the public, the idea of a continuously evolving world. The paradigm of progress is sustained by these constant transformations. In second place, as Capitalism carne into itself, it broke its ties with the mysticism and authoritarianism that legitimated the former dominant paradigm. The antagonism between classes, inherent in the capitalist mode of production, demanded a new ideological basis that could make a minimallevel of cohesion arnong the conflicting classes possible. This cohesion will be assured by the paradigm of progresso In this context, capitalist accumulation offers itself as the only viable altemative to ensure the satisfaction of the necessities of the lower classes, and the bourgeoisie appears as the c1ass with a social project that could improve the standard of living for society as a whole. In this process, human and social progress comes to be thought of in terms of technical and material progresso The advancements of Capitalism, in this direction, receive a degree of universal approval and acceptance that are only given to one path, when no other exists. This happens because capital, when it embodies sciendce and subjects scientific work to its logic, thus stregthening the ties between Science and the Techonology, succeeds in conquering a powerful ideological instrument: the idea of neutrality and rationality of its technology and its productive system.


desenvolvimento e subdesenvolvimento capitalismo

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