Programa para análise da interação solo-estrutura no projeto de edifícios / Soil-structure interaction analyzing program in the building design




This work presents a tool for reinforced concrete building based in direct foundation analysis able to evaluate effects in the superstructure constituent (slab, beams and columns) and foundation structural elements (FSE) resulting from soil deformability, making possible an efforts sophisticated analysis and real mechanical behavior of the structure. The program SSI (Soil-Structure Interaction), developed in FORTRAN language, calculates displacements increases by the Aoki &Lopes’s method. Proposed in 1975, the method uses de Mindlin’s equations showed in 1936 and based in the theory of elasticity. Due great variability, the soil is treated like a heterogeneous medium, appealing to the Steinbrenner proceeding suggested in 1934, for the estimate of displacements in multilayers medium. The finite element method (FEM) is used in FSE modeling as shell elements for determination of displacements components u, v and w. The displacements compatibilization in contact zone between surface support and FSE below side is necessary and sufficient condition for equilibrium guarantee and continuity. Turning more friendly the software use, a graphical interface, in Delphi, is made and created a DXF file, making possible the geometry visualization of foundation system. The examples elaboration prove the developed formulation validity through results comparison with others methodologies


recalques redistribuição de esforços interação solo-estrutura displacements comportamento estrutural building efforts redistribution edifícios structural behavior soil-structure interaction

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