Programa Bolsa-Família e o trabalho de crianças e adolescentes : limites e alcances




The aim of this dissertation is to investigate if the Bolsa-Família Program has contributed to make lower the incidence of labor between child with 5 to 12 years old and young persons with 13 to 15 years old. The Bolsa-Família Program is an initiative of federal government who consist in cease cash benefits to poor families who, in exchange, have to keep your children with school attend. The program can indirectly contributes to reduce child and young labor because the amount of cash ceases to families who participates can help in the subsistence of families membership without the necessity of work of your children. To attend the proposal objective, we use the Propensity Score Matching method, which permits the use of information about non participants families like a counterfactual result without the incidence of selection bias. These procedure is necessary because we dont have any information about participants families before your joint to program and because the participation in the Bolsa-Família Program is not random. The results suggests that the proportion of child and adolescents who only work in the family and the proportion of inactive child and young people diminish, while the proportion of child and adolescents who only study rises in the presence of the program to families with per capita yields minus transfers lower than R$100,00 and to families with per capita yields lower than R$300,00. Only for the latter group of families the proportion of child and adolescents who work and study rises in significantly amount in response of the program. These results appoint the benefits and boundaries of the program. On the one hand, the cease of cash benefits raises the child and young school enrollment and reduces your idleness, result who indicates about the capacities of the program in change the reality of the assisted families. On the other hand, the fact about the proportion of child and adolescents who work and study in the same time dont differ about poor families or, even, raises with response of the program, families with per capita earns about R$300,00 case, make clear the boundaries of the Bolsa-Família Program because the work done simultaneously school enrollment damages your scholar performance and reduces the ready time to the exercise of other activities related to the childhood and adolescence who also contributes to your development. These boundaries can be lessen if the program establish articulated actions with other initiatives who fit other determinants to the child and young labor, as well as raises the disposal of economic, social and cultural resources and benefit the development of an preservation sense about children and adolescents in the families, crucial to eradicate the work of child and young people.


sentido de preservação child and young work freqüência escolar menores - emprego brasil bolsa-família program programa bolsa-família programa bolsa família (brasil) familiar resources trabalho infanto-juvenil economia school enrollment recursos familiares educação e estado preservation sense

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